I use neovim with built-in lsp. There is a problem where I can’t open two python projects that have distinct virtual environments.

In order for neovim to pick up the correct virtual environment, it is necessary to cd into the directory where it is located and source <venv>/bin/activate it.

If one wants to open a different python project in the middle of an editing session, it is necessary to open a new instance of neovim and repeat the source <venv>/bin/activate procedure. There is an github issue with different solutions to this problem.

I use pyright and fortunately, pyright supports project-specific virtual environments: link. For pyright to pick up the correct virtual environment it is necessary to create a pyrightconfig.json file at the project root with the following structure:

  "venvPath": "/home/walter/.local/share/virtualenvs",
  "venv": "13331b919ccf8756721b5f174edac615f7126066"

venvPath is the folder with all the virtual environments . venv is the virtual environment itself. I wrote myself a small utility script for managing virtual environments: workon.

First, workon tries to activate the correct virtual environment if there is any.

If there is no virtual environment associated with the folder, it prompts to create a new one. The python versions are the ones installed by asdf.

Second, it generates the pyrightconfig.json file.

workon in action
workon in action

Two projects, one with fastapi and another with django installed, both distinct virtual environments. Go-to-definition jumps to the project-specific virtual environments.

in action in neovim
inside neovim